We Are Believers

Praise and Poetry by Angelina

We Are Believers

You are the Divine Abba Father
Oh how we cherish thee so
No verbal word can adequately describe
All the goodness that you bestow

You are the blessings beyond compare
To all the stars that fill the sky
A rock our Savior and giver of life
The “one’ we call on high

The true Majesty of such wonders
Creator of heaven and Earth abound
And when you said “it was finished”
You were the force that shook the ground

In the midst of any battle
We have only to turn and look ahead
And there you stand in our fires
With your arms open and spread

For we are only fighting
The trials you’ve already won
As Daniel was in the lion’s mouth
You’re faithfulness we can’t outrun

Our world may be filled with chaos
But as believers our hearts remain still
We all know whom is on that throne
And what shall be done is your will

So like Peter stepping off the boat
Our eyes shall stay focused on you
A wayward vessel sinks from sight
From the one that ever stays true

How can we could ever repay
The sacrifice of Jesus you gave
Dying upon that old wooden cross
For The souls of a sinners to save

Still ..thank you Lord… For your mercy and Grace
We surrender to our knees
And lift up our hands to praise you
From here to your heavenly seas.