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Like Jesus
We Are Believers
You are the Divine Abba Father
Oh how we cherish thee so
No verbal word can adequately describe
All the goodness that you bestow
You are the blessings beyond compare
To all the stars that fill the sky
A rock our Savior and giver of life
The “one’ we call on high
The true Majesty of such wonders
Creator of heaven and Earth abound
And when you said “it was finished”
You were the force that shook the ground
In the midst of any battle
We have only to turn and look ahead
And there you stand in our fires
With your arms open and spread
For we are only fighting
The trials you’ve already won
As Daniel was in the lion’s mouth
You’re faithfulness we can’t outrun
Our world may be filled with chaos
But as believers our hearts remain still
We all know whom is on that throne
And what shall be done is your will
So like Peter stepping off the boat
Our eyes shall stay focused on you
A wayward vessel sinks from sight
From the one that ever stays true
How can we could ever repay
The sacrifice of Jesus you gave
Dying upon that old wooden cross
For The souls of a sinners to save
Still ..thank you Lord… For your mercy and Grace
We surrender to our knees
And lift up our hands to praise you
From here to your heavenly seas.

The Lion The Lamb and the Teacher
We Are Believers
You are the Divine Abba Father
Oh how we cherish thee so
No verbal word can adequately describe
All the goodness that you bestow
You are the blessings beyond compare
To all the stars that fill the sky
A rock our Savior and giver of life
The “one’ we call on high
The true Majesty of such wonders
Creator of heaven and Earth abound
And when you said “it was finished”
You were the force that shook the ground
In the midst of any battle
We have only to turn and look ahead
And there you stand in our fires
With your arms open and spread
For we are only fighting
The trials you’ve already won
As Daniel was in the lion’s mouth
You’re faithfulness we can’t outrun
Our world may be filled with chaos
But as believers our hearts remain still
We all know whom is on that throne
And what shall be done is your will
So like Peter stepping off the boat
Our eyes shall stay focused on you
A wayward vessel sinks from sight
From the one that ever stays true
How can we could ever repay
The sacrifice of Jesus you gave
Dying upon that old wooden cross
For The souls of a sinners to save
Still ..thank you Lord… For your mercy and Grace
We surrender to our knees
And lift up our hands to praise you
From here to your heavenly seas.

We Are Believers
We Are Believers
You are the Divine Abba Father
Oh how we cherish thee so
No verbal word can adequately describe
All the goodness that you bestow
You are the blessings beyond compare
To all the stars that fill the sky
A rock our Savior and giver of life
The “one’ we call on high
The true Majesty of such wonders
Creator of heaven and Earth abound
And when you said “it was finished”
You were the force that shook the ground
In the midst of any battle
We have only to turn and look ahead
And there you stand in our fires
With your arms open and spread
For we are only fighting
The trials you’ve already won
As Daniel was in the lion’s mouth
You’re faithfulness we can’t outrun
Our world may be filled with chaos
But as believers our hearts remain still
We all know whom is on that throne
And what shall be done is your will
So like Peter stepping off the boat
Our eyes shall stay focused on you
A wayward vessel sinks from sight
From the one that ever stays true
How can we could ever repay
The sacrifice of Jesus you gave
Dying upon that old wooden cross
For The souls of a sinners to save
Still ..thank you Lord… For your mercy and Grace
We surrender to our knees
And lift up our hands to praise you
From here to your heavenly seas.

Jesus and Java
I had been in a hole for a very long time.. in the dark and in the damp and in the cold and in the slime… the shaft was above me I could see it quite clear, but there was no way I could ever reach it from here .. nor could I remember the world way up there… so I lost all my hope and gave into despair. I knew nothing but darkness the floor and the walls ..then off in the distance I heard someone call “get up get ready” there’s nothing the matter…take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder… this had never occurred to me ..had not crossed my mind, but I started to stack all the stones I could find when I ran out of stones then old sticks were my goal for one way or another I’d get out of this hole… So I soon had a ladder that was sturdy and tall and I thought I’ll soon leave this place once and for all…I climbed up my ladder it was no easy chore for from lifting these boulders my shoulders were sore…. I climbed up my l adder but soon had to stop for my ladder stopped short some 10 ft from the top… I climbed back down my ladder and started to cry I’ve done all I can do I gave my best try and in spite of my work in this hole I must die …and all I could do was sit and think why? …was my ladder too short ? Or my whole much too deep? Then from way up high came a voice say “do not weep” and the faith hope and love entered my chest as the voice said to me that I had done my best he said you’ve worked hard your labor’s been rough but the latter you built is at last tall enough …do not despair you have reason to Hope just climb up the ladder … I’ll throw down my rope.. I climbed up the ladder then climbed up the cord when I got to the top there stood the Lord…I couldn’t be happier my struggle was done I blinked in the brightness that came from the Sun…. I fell to the ground his feet did I kiss… I cried what can I do to repay thee for this…then he looked all around him there were holes in the ground they had people inside they were seen all around ..there were thousands of holes that were damp dark and deep then the Lord turned to me and said…. “feed my sheep” and he went on his way to help other lost souls… and I got right down to work calling down to the holes…getup get ready there’s nothing that matter take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder … It was now my turn to spread the good word… the most glorious message that “man” ever heard…that there is one who is willing to save one and all and we’ve got to be ready when he gives the call he’ll put us out of the hole that were in and save all our souls from death and from sin…so do not lose Faith there is reason to hope …just build up your ladder he’ll throw down his rope…….

I had been in a hole for a very long time.. in the dark and in the damp and in the cold and in the slime… the shaft was above me I could see it quite clear, but there was no way I could ever reach it from here .. nor could I remember the world way up there… so I lost all my hope and gave into despair. I knew nothing but darkness the floor and the walls ..then off in the distance I heard someone call “get up get ready” there’s nothing the matter…take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder… this had never occurred to me ..had not crossed my mind, but I started to stack all the stones I could find when I ran out of stones then old sticks were my goal for one way or another I’d get out of this hole… So I soon had a ladder that was sturdy and tall and I thought I’ll soon leave this place once and for all…I climbed up my ladder it was no easy chore for from lifting these boulders my shoulders were sore…. I climbed up my l adder but soon had to stop for my ladder stopped short some 10 ft from the top… I climbed back down my ladder and started to cry I’ve done all I can do I gave my best try and in spite of my work in this hole I must die …and all I could do was sit and think why? …was my ladder too short ? Or my whole much too deep? Then from way up high came a voice say “do not weep” and the faith hope and love entered my chest as the voice said to me that I had done my best he said you’ve worked hard your labor’s been rough but the latter you built is at last tall enough …do not despair you have reason to Hope just climb up the ladder … I’ll throw down my rope.. I climbed up the ladder then climbed up the cord when I got to the top there stood the Lord…I couldn’t be happier my struggle was done I blinked in the brightness that came from the Sun…. I fell to the ground his feet did I kiss… I cried what can I do to repay thee for this…then he looked all around him there were holes in the ground they had people inside they were seen all around ..there were thousands of holes that were damp dark and deep then the Lord turned to me and said…. “feed my sheep” and he went on his way to help other lost souls… and I got right down to work calling down to the holes…getup get ready there’s nothing that matter take rocks and old sticks and build up a fine ladder … It was now my turn to spread the good word… the most glorious message that “man” ever heard…that there is one who is willing to save one and all and we’ve got to be ready when he gives the call he’ll put us out of the hole that were in and save all our souls from death and from sin…so do not lose Faith there is reason to hope …just build up your ladder he’ll throw down his rope…….

The father and the son
The father and the son
No sweeter sound than his blessed name … Jesus
Our alpha and Omega are first and last
The miracle worker healer and riser of the Dead
Our blessed King of Kings advocate unsurpassed
Are a lion of Judah are lamb of God
Glorious Lord Prince of Peace most high and praised
Are Redeemer Shepherd of the flock and savior
Who got sent from mankind to be saved
Are a lion of Judah are lamb of God
Glorious Lord Prince of Peace most high and praised
Are Redeemer Shepherd of the flock and savior
Who got sent from mankind to be saved
He said come to me and I will give you rest
One day all the old shall pass away
No more pain death crying or morning
The armor of God has cast all fears astray
There is eternal life for those who believe in him
A beautiful mansion prepared in the heavens for us in faith… above
There is a peace and kindness that this world will never offer
Waiting within our holy Spirit a God of perfect love