Visit See the story of God’s free gift of salvation through His only Son Jesus in The Real Story of Jesus, an iBIBLE special episode.
A production of RevelationMedia, The Real Story of Jesus presents the true narrative of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, from Genesis to Revelation. This visual and audio presentation of God’s story of salvation reveals mankind’s fall into sin, their inability to save themselves, and God’s plan to redeem and restore mankind. The salvation won by Jesus on the cross for us is the Gospel message that must be shared to all people. Will you, in faith, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, accept His gift of salvation, and become a child of God? A production of RevelationMedia, iBIBLE brings God’s Word to life in a format that people all over the world can engage with. Through dramatic audio and vibrant animation, people of all ages, all backgrounds, and with all abilities can learn the Divine Narrative—the one cohesive story of Scripture. iBIBLE will be available for free to translate into any of the world’s 7,000+ languages. Join the movement today and help bring the true story of God’s Word to the nations for free!
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Steve Cleary
UpWords Ministries and exist to help people take one step closer to Jesus.
God’s story is one of love and redemption. The message that most clearly shows this redemptive love is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 John 3:16). Paul says this message is of “first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:3). As God reveals his nature through the stories of the Bible, the following teachings emerge as the central core doctrines.
Look for God
With the passing of years, Henry’s life had changed. His children were grown. The neighborhood was different. He was unhappy. He asked his minister if he was unhappy for some sin he’d committed. “Yes,” the wise pastor replied. “The sin of ignorance. One of your neighbors is the Messiah in disguise, and you have not seen him.”
With time, Henry saw things in people he’d never seen. When others spoke he listened. After all, he might be listening to the Messiah. The bounce returned to his step. His eyes took on a friendly sparkle. He said, “All I know is that things changed when I started looking for God.”
Now, that’s curious. The old man saw Jesus because he didn’t know what he looked like. The people in Jesus’ day missed him because they thought they did. How are things looking in your neighborhood?
The Next Door Savior
In the aftermath of 9/11 a group of religious leaders was invited to come to Washington and pray with President Bush. The group was well-frocked and well-known. You might wonder if I felt out of place. The only time I wear a robe is when I step out of the shower.
But when it came my turn to meet George W. Bush, I added, “And Mr. President, I was raised in Andrews, Texas—a half-hour drive from your hometown.” He smiled that lopsided smile and let his accent drawl ever so slightly. “Why, I know your town. I’ve walked those streets. I’ve even played your golf course.” It was nice to know that the president knew my home.
How much nicer to know the same about God. Yes, he rules the universe. Yes, he has walked your streets. He’s still the next door Savior. Jesus – above all powers? You bet he is!
You will Never Have To
Suppose you were to stand on a stage while a film of every secret and selfish moment of your life was projected on the screen behind you. Would you not scream for the heavens to have mercy? And would you not feel just a fraction of what Christ felt on the cross? The icy displeasure of a sin-hating God.
The Bible says Christ carried all our sins in his body. See Christ on the cross? That’s a gossiper hanging there. See Jesus? Embezzler. Liar. Bigot. “Hold it, Max! Don’t you lump Christ with those evildoers.” I didn’t. He did. More than place his name in the same sentence, he placed himself in their place. And yours! With hands nailed open, he invited God, “Treat me as you would them.” And God did.
“My God my God, why did you abandon me?” Why did Jesus scream those words? Simple – so that you’ll never have to.
Nothing in Between
Make no mistake, Jesus saw himself as God. And he leaves us with two options: accept him as God, or reject him as a megalomaniac. There’s no third alternative. Oh, but we try to create one! Suppose you came across me standing on the side of the road. I can go north or south. You ask me which way I’m going. “I’m going sorth. I can’t choose between north and south, so I’m going both. I’m going sorth!” “You can’t do that,” you reply. “You have to choose.”
When it comes to Christ, you’ve got to do the same. Call him crazy, or crown him as king. Dismiss him as a fraud, or declare him to be God. Walk away from him, or bow before him, but don’t play games with him. He is either hope or all hype. But nothing in between.
Hear Jesus
The Torah sends you to Moses. The Quran sends you to Muhammad. Buddhists invite you to meditate; spiritists, to levitate. “Step right up—try my witchcraft.” “Psst, over here. Interested in some new age channels?” Oh, the voices. And we pray, “Father, help me out! Please modulate one and relegate the others.”
If that’s your prayer, then Luke 9 is your chapter. The day God isolated the authoritative voice of history and declared, “Listen to him.” On the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus was praying with Peter and James and John. And his face became different, and his clothing became white and gleaming. “And a voice came out of a cloud, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son. Hear him!’ (Luke 9:35). Hear Jesus amidst all the other voices. Listen to him.
In the Middle of It All
God gets into things! Red seas, big fish, lions’ dens, and furnaces. Bankrupt businesses and jail cells. Look, and you’ll find what everyone from Moses to Martha discovered: God in the middle of our storms.
A young woman missed her station on the subway. By the time she realized her mistake, she didn’t know what to do. She prayed for some sign of God’s presence. This was no hour or place to be passing through a rough neighborhood alone. At that moment the doors opened and a disheveled man plopped down next to her. “God, are you near?” she prayed. And the man pulled out a harmonica and played “Be Thou My Vision”—her mother’s favorite hymn. The song was enough to convince her Christ was here, in the midst of it all.
And you? Look closer. He’s there. Right in the middle of it all.