Be of Good Cheer

Devotion by Max Lucado | The Almighty Jehovah |

Be Of Good Cheer – Here’s a test: how far do you have to go to hear the reminder Be afraid? How near is your next You’re in trouble memo? A flip of the newspaper page? A turn of the radio dial? A glance at the internet? According to the media, the world is one scary place.

There’s a stampede of fear out there. Let’s not get caught in it. Let’s be among those who stay calm. Let’s be numbered among those who hear a difference voice—God’s! Courage doesn’t panic, it prays. Courage doesn’t bemoan, it believes. Courage listens to the voice of God calling through Scripture.

“When reports come in of wars and rumors of wars, keep your head and don’t panic.” (Matthew 24:6)

“Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven.” (Matthew 9:2)

“Let not your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1)