In the Middle of It All

God gets into things! Red seas, big fish, lions’ dens, and furnaces. Bankrupt businesses and jail cells. Look, and you’ll find what everyone from Moses to Martha discovered: God in the middle of our storms.
A young woman missed her station on the subway. By the time she realized her mistake, she didn’t know what to do. She prayed for some sign of God’s presence. This was no hour or place to be passing through a rough neighborhood alone. At that moment the doors opened and a disheveled man plopped down next to her. “God, are you near?” she prayed. And the man pulled out a harmonica and played “Be Thou My Vision”—her mother’s favorite hymn. The song was enough to convince her Christ was here, in the midst of it all.
And you? Look closer. He’s there. Right in the middle of it all.