A New Plan
A New Plan – Begin again. Fresh starts require a determined first step. You can’t change yesterday, but you can do something about tomorrow. Put God’s plan in place.
Daily Devotion by Max Lucado
A New Plan – Begin again. Fresh starts require a determined first step. You can’t change yesterday, but you can do something about tomorrow. Put God’s plan in place.
Go to Your Father – Everyone stumbles. The difference is in the response. Some stumble into the pit of guilt. Others tumble into the arms of God. They make a
Gods Grace Is Greater – One stumble does not define or break a person. Though you failed, God’s love does not. Face your failures with faith in God’s goodness. He
God Uses Failures – Failure finds us all. Failure is so universal that we must wonder why more self-help gurus don’t address it. Bookstores overflow with volumes on how to
When We Trust – Jesus once went to the house of a little girl who had just died. Mourners were gathered at the door. “Why are you crying?” he asked
Not the End – God’s view and our view of death tend to be different. We see death as the end. God sees it as a beginning. From God’s viewpoint
Choose What You See – A prisoner carved these words on the wall of a concentration camp: I believe in the sun, even though it doesn’t shine. I believe in
Just Trust – Jesus and Jairus are interrupted by emissaries from his house. “Your daughter is dead,” they said.” “There is no need to bother the teacher anymore. But Jesus
Blind to the Future – We are blind, blind to the future. Just ask Jairus. He is the leader of the synagogue, the most important man in the community. But
Give Your Fears to Your Father – How did Jesus endure the terror of the crucifixion? He went first to the Father with his fears. He modeled the words of